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Untie Your Time

Just like tying our shoes, we tend to rush a few things. Personally, I rarely have time to bend down and untie my shoe before I wear them. The shoe lace is already tied or zipped up from wearing them earlier in the day or the day before. Squeezing my feet and pushing my itsy bitsy toes inside. But, I always end up regretting it. SighNot taking those few seconds to bend down & untie my shoes always wears & tears my shoes. You know that scrunch you get after walking in your shoes the wrong way or not taking care of them. Shoes are an investment & your life should be too. Having patience & realizing that everything take...

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Grow Yourself

Life is more than just living for the weekend. Time goes by fast. Don't waste it all just thinking of a good time. Going out every weekend might be "ya thing" but don't limit your fun just for the weekend. Make time for yourself to grow. The clubs will always be there. & you're spending money that you can use to build yourself & your future. Of course, Many people, things and places can inspire you start up your own business, try something new, becoming someone better than the usually you. But, it all counts on you. Be self motivated and a self starter. It sounds easy, but it's not. Even on your days off or the weekend, you have to...

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Crown Me

Let's not put the strength in one woman. Yea,Hilary lost. So? Guess what, the world is still turning. Remember when they thought women would stay at home baking cookies, ironing clothes, running errands, cooking dinner, and living to impress a man or others? Nah. Ladies! We are worth more than that. Trust and believe, we have all been through some sh*t. Some may not believe it or even think about it that way. We have overcome many things both in our personal lives and society. Show us some respect and earn ours all the same. Standing together is better is crucial for growth and unity. Continue to strive for success, respect, courtesy and smashing through what society has to say....

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Say It Loud and Proud

Affirmations are necessary for growth. I was browsing through my phone & I found this snippet I wrote October of last year. (I keep dates of mostly everything) ----------------------------------------------  "What to improve on........Accomplish my school goals and work career goals. Won't beat myself up if it doesn't go according to my plan but I will strive to make the best of any outcome."   Yum Fluff Zing ----------------------------------------------- All I could do was sit in awe just thinking back of how far I've come. Reading such snippets really brings me back to life no matter what's going on in my life at that time. It reassures me of my journey & the little things I appreciate. I often tell people, the...

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After Thoughts: I'm Not A Poet

I feel like I’ve been growing each day Grabbing each opportunity near me Should I continue? Doubt and regret, nah can’t think bout that now Move like the wind, feeling so new Gotta make sure you knew A different tune, a new song Make sure I stay true to myself like Nia Long Picture by: Elliana Esquivel   

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