Collagen On The Lips

Lips are BIG features today. Everyone wants them and go through procedures, experiments, expensive make-up and products, or home remedies just to get plump, full lips. As a black woman, having big lips was unbeknownst to me. I never really thought myself to have full lips. In fact, my top lip seems quite smaller than the bottom. Got a little sidetracked. Let's continue. Growing up, I actually thought my lips were small compared to other women in my family or in the community. My lips are deemed small in comparison. Ass & lips are quite common in Kenya, Africa. Not to brag, but as Ludacris said in Pimpin' All Over The World, "The best women all reside in Africa and that's real.

Yes, there were jokes about not having these features within my own community, but mostly other ethnicities. From middle school into high school, there were many times a young lady who was a little or on the heavy were teased about their features. Unwanted features. Our ancestors were stripped of their names, culture and penalized with punishments erasing and diminishing those same features.  

In pop culture and Hollywood, many celebrities have gone under the knife for ass, lips or hips. Really all of these features at one go! They are in turn celebrated for the same features black women have been diminished and shamed about for decades. It questions culture appropriation but also reveals that Our features are unique and in need of more celebration within our own communities. These celebrities are gaining money but not recognizing the precedent behind their actions. Why are big lips, ass, and hips celebrated more when on other races? Thank you to the collagen community for the compliment, but we're GOOD.   

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