You Got My Back?

People show appreciation in different ways. We have to simply look in between and remember that everyone is different. We all have different looks, identity, views, and are unique. So to think that someone should return a favor or gestures in the same way you do is a bit ridiculous. Of course, things like saying hello and such are pretty standard not ridiculous. That's just plain courtesy that we all should learn and get used to because I tell you, there are some rude *bleepers* around here.

Okay, let's get back to this topic.  Let's begin with an example. You an your friend share a tab and you pay for most of it because the tip is included. It's cool, because you know that's your main and that's what you do. However; it happens a few more times and you think to yourself, "What is going on here?! I'm not going to keep paying for these meals." So, here comes the appreciation part. Yes, your friend doesn't pay the bigger tab while you're at restaurants. But, when it's girls night out, they always pay for the snacks at WaWa. When it's time to cook for you're shin-ding (meaning: party, get-together and such for those unaware folk) they put those cooking hands together and whip up some mac and cheese. When you're going out and you don't pay for gas because that's just isn't friendship.

Matter fact, why would you charge you're friends gas money if you're going to the same location? Yes, it is good to offer especially if you know you're friends are going through a little struggle or just plain ole courtesy. well, discuss that topic in another blog! 

 Friendship reveals itself in many different ways. Don't base someones love for you on how you think they should repay you. Some gestures of kindness don't need a return favor. Do things from the heart and you'll see more blessings than just focusing on how people treat you. Yes, you do have to weed out a few people because they just aren't right for you. Be smart and observant of people around you. Sometimes your friends won't take that tab, pay for those snacks or whip somethin' up. So you gotta charge them that gas money!

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