
Saying kind words to someone could really be what they needed that day or in their life. While I was on break at work, a patient visitor sat next to me. Her greeting was friendly, kind and just filled with great vibes. As we spoke, she thanked me and told me how she appreciated the service my department brings to the company. She continued to ask me my name and I told her. She then noticed my dimples and said her grandmother told her "if you had dimples an angel touched you." This made me smile. She told me that I was a "joy to be around" and she appreciated the well wishes I gave to her family member.

Without knowing each other, we shared great dialogue and exchanged kind words. Not because we had anything to prove or earn, but because it was in our hearts. The words she shared with me were true to my nature that many other people tend to oversee sometimes. But, a stranger pulled me back and reminded me that my work, smile, and good heart do not go unnoticed. I also appreciate her for being a kind woman.

We need to become friendly and kind strangers to each other. I always make a point to let someone know that they're doing a great job or if I love their outfit. Anything small like a hug or a helping hand could be an opening to their true heart. Blessings come when you're open to share more of yourself with others.

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