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After Thoughts: Part 1

Another day in the life. Hope your week is going well. ChittyChatBang Introduces An escape after work, school or just a 24 hour day. An outlet to let go of daily thoughts or events.   Let's get to it! So thinking about how social media has really become "this sensation." I mean, yea my generation had MySpace (who can forget that classic #Top8). FaceBook was coming up back then too. Now, you'll can't even wait watch a show. That one status that just ruins the episode.  Social media is the best outlet for many things. Networking keeping in touch with loved ones, creeping, advertising, and growing businesses. However; don't let social media get you in your feelings. Meaning, half of...

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Blog Snipnet: Vibes

Hello Chitty's! Just a mini blog snip-net for the week. Chittyfact: People won't show you love from the fear that they might not receive love back. Sometimes, friends, family, or strangers will not treat you how you would like them to. It's up to you to still have that love inside. Keeping a positive vibe is easier than you think. Trust me, people will try you each day. Some may not support you. But, you can only worry about yourself. Yea, that sounds selfish, but is anyone else dreaming with you while you sleep? Nope. Social media is just a big high school. Showing support for each other and using this "big high school" as a positive platform, would be...

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Mascara Please

Yes, it's true. I roll my eyes about 10 times per day. Maybe, 20. It's amazing how many unwanted things or comments you face each day. From your eyebrow lady saying she knew how to give ya brows life, but she didn't (rolls eyes & sigh). The person driving 45 mph in the fast lane (rolls eyes). Or maybe that one co worker trying hard to figure you out, but no (rolls eyes, again). The sales woman at the mall repeatedly asking if "you need help with anything" (rolls eyes). Better yet, when someone eats the food you've been dreaming about at work (rolls eyes but I might have snap about that..Lol). To me, rolling my eyes is my venting...

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I've probably touched on this subject before, but it never hurts to refresh your memory. Sometimes people you know or strangers will act negatively towards you. Making you ponder why they don't like you or what you did to them. Don't get me wrong, sometimes we say something we don't find offensive and it gets to others differently. However; this has not been the case. If barely speaking gives them a reason not to like you, that's just crazy! (ChittyFact: If you barely speak, that's not your friend in the first place) Grow-up. Being angry, rude or petty to someone you barely know or don't interact with is childish. What happened to using your words and actually getting to know...

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Dose Of Happiness

People will always watch what you're up to. So, give them something worth watching. The way I see it, life is full of the good, the bad and the lurkers. Choosing to be yourself sets you apart. Think about it, if you really show the best in yourself, wouldn't you feel better. Having a relationship with yourself is most important. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying any of us don't have room to grow. Finding out what you love about yourself and the things you need to work on is a step in the right direction. Have a great week & holiday weekend! x.o.x.o

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