Relief and Balance

Sigh. The balance of it all can take a toll on you. It's easier to type or say in silence. But, when you list all the things you juggle throughout the day out it out loud, you might have to take a moment to think how you're doing it all. Balance and consistency is definitely a challenge. In the pursuit of your dreams and goals, these tough moments will come. I haven't written any newsletters in about two weeks and my last blog was date last month in August (check it out in the blog tab). 
I feel bad even when I don't post or check on my website at least 5 times a day. I feel the neglect every time even when I miss one day. So imagine missing a week. YIKES and OUCH! But, these moments will come and I just have to keep pushing and make the small strides count. Even though I missed days for ChittyChatBang, I feel more confident in my personal endeavors and goals. I remind myself that as long as I stay the path and make every move my best move.
It'll  all puzzle as I go.

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