Premieres & Prepare

It's a breezy Sunday night as I listen to one of my favorite podcasts. I'm preparing for tomorrow and the week ahead. This week was classified as my "take a break" week by accident. I wrote up last week's blog "Beauty Inside Out" (check it out) and Our ChittyChatBang weekly newsletter days ahead. As I published both on the same day, it opened up my schedule like no other. I found myself relaxing more than usual and feeling a bit lazy. Its sometimes a good thing to chill out after going non-stop, but in doses. 
I'm waiting for the new Season of Insecure to air at 10:30pm. While my clothes are in the dryer (my work uniform is in that pile), coffee set-up for the AM is set, bag packed and ready to throw my lunch inside the morning (I will be cooking some chicken tenders when I was up.) These are simple things but make a HUGE difference in my morning routine. I change it up a bit, but the blueprint is like nothing other! 
After watching the new Season of Insecure
1. Loved watching it through my Amazon Prime account.
2. I always want more after the LIT half an hour Insecure serves us!
3. Judging from this premiere episode, this season is gonna be good!
4. Every Monday morning, I'll need two cups of coffee for staying awake this late to type up the blog.

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